Love is loving what you can’t love until you understand what it is you need to love…

Love isn’t always what a person can physically do for you. Love is also the way a person makes you feel mentally when they’re not in you’re presents. Love is not only when a person has your heart ♥️ but also when a person has your mind. Letting a person mentally stimulate your inner self […]

New Essence Love ❤️ xoxo

Beauty is in the Eye of the beholder, & my eyes behold the Beauty of you! The radiant Wray of your skin when the sun kissed the beauty within is amazing… I look at you and am lost in the sight of Love ❤️ and dumbfounded by the essence of Grace that sits so humbly […]

Time to wake up…

It’s not judging when you’re speaking the truth…It’s time to stop 🚫 preaching life & prosperity into a TAINTED congregation& start preaching condemnation.Start holding your member’s accountable for their actions and watch how the energy in these churches change. I’m not judging anyone I was awakened out of my sleep to type this. PT said […]

Gracefully Broken but Not Broke…

Going into a relationship is like “Horse 🐎. Breaking…” Except you don’t use a person 👤 to break the horse 🐎 in this scenario, you use two people. You both go into the relationship to be with each other to grow & build etc. but you guys have to be broken to do so.Now that […]


Ok, so last week I spoke on abandonment issues and the fact I feel as if that’s where I’m at in life. Then last night after work I got home and played with my kid for a bit, showered, and thought to myself (“I’m the Blessing, if anyone doesn’t see that or wants to be […]

Understanding your Narrative

We live every waking moment trying to create a better life, not realizing that a better life lives within us. We create each narrative of our being, once we realize that then life as we know it becomes better for us to create. df

Genuinely True…

Some people consider my Generosity as weak, whereas I consider it to be as real as you’re gonna get in this lifetime. Understanding a person before you use them will help you go a long way. Using a person before understanding their character only burns your integrity as a human.

Lovin’ Correctly…

I want that Love ❤️ where we fight for each other before we walk away. And even after the fight the Love ❤️ is so strong we can’t walk away so we decide to fight even harder to make the fight easier to stay. I’ve loved & I’ve lost my next love I refuse to […]